Trina Solar 112MW power plant equipped with 670W Vertex modules connected to the grid

By Trina Solar

Trina Solar has announced the successful grid connection of a 112MW PV power plant equipped with its 210mm Vertex 670W ultra-high power modules in Dachaidan, in China’s Qinghai Province.

Image: Trina Solar

With the first batch of modules shipped in mid June,  it has taken only three months to complete the project and connect to the grid. Covering an area of 217 hectares, the plant is able to provide an annual 220,000 MWh of green power, while eliminating some 200,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Covering a vast area and with an average altitude of over 3,400 meters, the Dachaidan region offers excellent levels of irradiation, making it an ideal location for a solar power plant. To maximize its efficiency, the owner, Concord New Energy, required modules combining high energy yield and reliability and, after careful evaluation, opted for Vertex.

670W Vertex modules are built to withstand harsh environmental conditions, including desert, uninhabited land, high altitude, strong winds, sand and significant extremes of temperature. The modules have passed a number of rigorous tests, including non-uniform snow-load, extreme wind tunnel, extreme low-temperature, mechanical load and hail, while consistently maintaining high levels of reliability.

Entering what is becoming known as the PV 6.0 era, Trina Solar maintains a focus on adding value to customers by offering the most cost-effective and efficient products.

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