lux research

November 10, 2016
When renewables-novice and coal champion Donald Trump won the US presidential election yesterday, the global energy industry gawked in horror. Initial review of the Republican billionaire’s energy plans might leave the impression that the progress clean energy sources have achieved so far will be undone. A deeper look into Trump’s energy policy under adviser Kevin Cramer reveals a siege on existing regulation and a roll-back on spending.
November 8, 2016
Yuang-Sheng Yu, analyst at energy Lux Research, caught up with PV Tech to discuss the potential effects of the next President on the US energy sector.
November 3, 2016
Whilst the US is destined for a tectonic shift in its energy landscape under either prospective president, new analysis from Lux Research suggests that Trump’s policies would leave emissions 16% higher after two terms than Clinton’s.

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