Global solar corporate financing has decreased 24% in 2024, compared to the previous year, with US$26.3 billion, according to market research firm Mercom Capital Group.
Solar corporate funding for the first half of 2023 increased by 54% year-on-year to US$18.5 billion, with public market financing dominating the increase.
The total corporate funding into the global solar sector increased by 55% in Q1 2023 compared with Q4 2022, and 11% year-on-year compared with the same period in Q1 last year.
Indian solar module manufacturing capacity is forecast to reach around 95GW – up from 39GW at the end of September 2022 – according to research from analyst and consultancy Mercom India Research.
Higher interest rates in the second half of the year slowed down corporate funding in the global solar sector to US$24.1 billion in 2022, according to research from Mercom Capital Group.
Corporate funding in the global solar sector was dampened by inflation and high interest rates during the first nine months of the year, according to research from Mercom Capital Group.
The top ten developers for utility-scale solar accounted for 125GW of operational, under construction and contracted projects between July 2020 and June 2021, according to a report from research firm Mercom Capital Group.
Corporate funding in the global solar sector in the first half of 2022 was down 11% year-on-year as activity dropped especially during Q2, according to research from Mercom Capital Group.