
In pursuit of accurate irradiance measurements Part 2: Sensors and beyond


By Anton Driesse, Anton Driesse is a seasoned independent consultant to the photovoltaics industry. Through his company PV Performance Labs he helps clients in Europe and North America gain deeper insights into performance through measurement, data analysis and modelling. He maintains strong links to the research community through collaborative work, such as the PVSENSOR project he leads, and through activities with organisations such as IEEE, ASTM, IEA PVPS.; Joshua Stein, Joshua Stein is a distinguished member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories, and works in the area of PV and grid integration. He currently develops and validates models of solar irradiance, PV system performance, reliability, and PV interactions with the grid. Joshua leads the PV Performance Modeling Collaborative at Sandia and is a member of the IEA PVPS Task 13 Working Group on PV performance and reliability.

Resource assessment | Irradiance sensors are vital tools for protecting investment in valuable solar power plants and ensuring they perform optimally. In the second of two articles on a major study they are leading to better understand these diminutive components, Anton Driesse and Joshua Stein discuss how inaccuracies in irradiance measurement can be quantified and managed.

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