The Australian Electricity Market Operator (AEMO) has signalled that solar PV, energy storage and wind projects looking to connect to the National Electricity Market (NEM) at the end of Q3 2024 surpassed 45GW.
The Australian Electricity Market Operator (AEMO) has indicated that Australia has seen the addition of 1.2GW of new large-scale solar projects brought online and connected to the National Electricity Market (NEM) in the past 12 months.
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) is set to integrate new rules surrounding consumer energy resources (CER) to exercise greater control over their use, aiding solar PV’s role in the electricity mix.
Public policy think tank the Australia Institute has released new research arguing that reconfiguring off-peak hot water systems could mitigate 4,000GWh of curtailed solar PV and wind energy on the National Electricity Market (NEM).
The Australian Energy Market Commissioner (AEMC) is proposing to enable virtual power plants (VPPs) to directly compete with large-scale generators in the energy market, which could aid solar PV’s role in decarbonising Australia.