On Thursday 18 May, New York State reached a new record for solar generation with 3.3GW at noon, according to the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO).
Renewable bitcoin mining operator Aspen Creek Digital Corporation (ACDC) has commenced operations at a Texas data centre co-located with a behind-the-meter solar project.
Powering electrolysers with renewables generation that would otherwise be curtailed could be an effective strategy for producing green hydrogen in the coming years until the H2 sector benefits from further cost declines, it was suggested during a panel discussion.
New Jersey’s legislator passed two bills yesterday that will increase solar deployment across the state, sending them to the desk of democratic governor Phil Murphy.
US solar installer Freedom Forever has partnered with residential solar and battery storage leader Sunrun to incorporate the company’s products into its own service.
Solar Media, the publisher of sites including Energy-Storage.News and PV Tech, has just launched the latest edition of the annual Global Energy Storage Opportunity report for this year - available now as a free download.