Countries must ensure COVID-19 does not derail green energy momentum, European Commission says as preliminary analysis shows EU bloc set to overshoot 32%-by-2030 target.
Global body joins campaign for green COVID-19 rebound, amid warnings that solar, wind pipeline for 2020-2030 falls short of what was already achieved in 2010-2019.
Second instalment (week of 8-14 June) delves into talk of 18GWdc US-wide solar installs in 2020, solar's embrace of online events and the campaign to revive European manufacturing.
President signs decree setting out use of green debentures to unlock multi-gigawatt boost to renewables, stung by auction postponements brought about by COVID-19.
SEIA, WoodMac point at robust utility-scale segment as they predict 33% year-on-year jump in PV additions, with residential still expected to take major hit from pandemic in 2020 and 2021.
Former presidential hopefuls join dozens of House and Senate Democrats as they urge for ‘robust clean energy recovery plan’, starting with extension of clean energy tax incentives.
Our new weekly series shifts the lens from immediate impacts to the green new tomorrow currently taking shape, and solar’s central role in it, starting with news from the week commencing 1 June 2020.
Country mired by past climate rows employs 25,000 green energy workers today and could double the headcount by 2025 if it focuses on renewables post-COVID, CEC review finds.
Rome’s second CfD auction awards solar 19.4MW of total 500MW while Lisbon sets lower ceiling prices for new PV tender, set to launch one year after exercise that produced €14.76/MWh tariffs.
IRENA finds world could save US$23bn per year if it replaced costly coal with cheaper solar and wind while Imperial College-IEA conclude green energy plays make more money at lower risk.