By Dr. Thorsten Dullweber, leads the industrial solar cells R&D group at Institute for Solar Energy Research Hamelin (ISFH); Henning Schulte-Huxel, ISFH; Susanne Blankemeyer, ISFH; Dr. Helge Hannebauer, ISFH; Sabrina Schimanke, ISFH; Ulrike Baumann, ISFH; Robert Witteck, ISFH; Dr. Robby Peibst, ISFH; Dr. Marc Köntges, ISFH; Rolf Brendel, is the scientific director of ISFH
Since its first publication in 2015, the PERC+ cell concept, which is based on a passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC) design with a screen-printed Al finger grid on the rear, has been rapidly adopted by several solar cell manufacturers worldwide.