German utility E.On has partnered with engineering major thyssenkrupp to plug large-scale hydrogen electrolysis plants into Germany’s grid using a renewables-backed virtual power plant (VPP).
German giant to invest €5bn to deploy major new fleet of PV and wind by 2022, following its success in 2019 doubling net income to €1.2bn and adding E.ON’s renewable assets.
German firm gets support for ready-to-build 42MW pipeline at 750MW auction held on 10 December, which is set to award US$950m in CfD payments over 17-year period.
German power major reiterates vow to become one of world's top solar, wind and storage players after securing the EU's all-clear to asset swap with E.On.
E.ON has started construction on its West of the Pecos solar project, a 100MW PV project located approximately 75 miles southwest of Midland-Odessa in Reeves County, Texas.
E.On and Google are to bring their Sunroof platform to British households in the coming weeks as the companies hope to replicate the success of the solar modelling tool in Germany, where it has been used by more than 10,000 customers.
German energy giants E.On and RWE have reached an agreement on a major exchange of business activities, promising a significant shake-up of the duo’s energy interests.