dnv gl

April 23, 2021
Despite dozens of net-zero targets being announced and deployment of renewable energy ramping up globally over the past year, just 10% of countries have shown “steady and consistent” progress in their energy transition plans, according to a new report from the World Economic Forum (WEF).
March 31, 2021
DNV has released the world’s first recommended practice (RP) for floating solar projects to help reduce risks for developers and increase investor confidence in the segment.
December 14, 2020
Solar PV modules based on 210mm cells produce the best levelised cost of energy (LCOE) and deliver improved balance of system (BOS) costs, according to an evaluation conducted by independent advisory DNV GL.
November 4, 2020
As larger floating solar projects become a more common sight around the world, bankability is increasingly coming to the fore to satisfy the demands of financiers. Jeremy Ong, Ken Tay and Harald Hammer look at some of the areas where careful due diligence is vital to managing and mitigating technical risks for lenders
October 28, 2020
Later this year, a new set of industry guidelines will for the first time codify a set of best practices for EPC contractors. Ahead of publication, members of Solar Power Europe’s O&M task force look at some of the critical areas of PV system integration where high-quality EPC work can most effectively influence a project’s lifetime performance
September 8, 2020
Solar will dominate the power generation alongside wind in the coming decades as electrification rapidly escalates, but the energy transition is occurring “nowhere near fast enough” to deliver change compliant with the Paris Agreement.
June 9, 2020
Firm kickstarts ‘Floating Solar’ joint industry project (JIP) consortium to create the first broad-based best practices for floating solar, in a bid to support investment in the nascent sector.
June 4, 2020
Vietnam-based PV module and OEM manufacturer Boviet Solar has achieved ‘Top Performer’ status in PV Evolution Labs' (PVEL) ‘2020 PV Module Reliability Scorecard’ report for the second consecutive year.
June 4, 2020
India-based PV manufacturer Vikram Solar achieved ‘Top Performer’ status in PVEL’s ‘2020 PV Module Reliability Scorecard’ for the third time and for the second consecutive year.
June 4, 2020
REC Group was one of only four PV module manufacturers to achieve a clean sweep of ‘Top Performer’ status in the four historical panel reliability tests in PVEL’s ‘2020 PV Module Reliability Scorecard’.

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