The deployment of solar in the United States has reached new heights with one million installations nationwide, making the country’s clean energy revolution a viable reality.
Solar Mosaic, a former crowdfunding start-up that has emerged as a major provider of residential solar financing solutions, said on Wednesday that it had secured US$200 million in funding that will support at least 5,000 rooftop PV installations.
Despite claims by the company and automatic acceptance by the mainstream media, SunEdison’s position as the ‘world's largest renewable energy developer’ almost came to fruition in 2015.
The US Department of Energy SunShot Initiative has launched the Orange Button programme that will establish unified datasets in an effort to reduce financing costs.
The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission are investigating the state’s largest utility, Hawiian Electric Co’s decision to cancel project contracts with embattled renewable energy company, SunEdison.
BayWa set to offer a new finance product for its US-based solar distribution customers, in which consumer financing from Spruce Finance will provide contractors and homeowners with a simple and affordable PV loan process.