Indian prime minister Narendra Modi has launched a new programme to electrify every willing household in the country by 31 December 2018, using solar, energy storage batteries and LED lighting.
Indian state-run Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) is to raise US$450 million through its first ever 10-year Green Bonds with listing at London and Singapore, according energy minister Piyush Goyal.
Norway-headquartered integrated PV module manufacturer REC Group announced that it has started commercial production on what it claims is the highest power 72-cell multicrystalline solar panel in the world.
India’s Union Cabinet has approved the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Indian and US bodies to cooperate on integrating utility-scale renewable energy into the grid.
This week's Movers & Shakers features new CEOs and the inauguration of new international offices. Sunworks and the Australian CEFC both welcome new CEOs and Enel Green Power North America opens its new office in Massachusetts, with Array Technologies expanding Down Under.
Integrated PV module manufacturer REC Solar has reported PV module shipments of 1,159MW for 2015, compared to European headquartered rival, SolarWorld that had reported total ‘product’ shipments, of exactly the same figure.