Leading monocrystalline wafer producer and ‘Solar Module Super League’ (SMSL) member LONGi Green Energy Technology experienced a revenue increase of 34.3% on strong global demand for monocrystalline products in the release of its preliminary ‘express’ annual report.
‘Solar Module Super League’ (SMSL) member LONGi Solar, a subsidiary of the world’s largest monocrystalline wafer producer, LONGi Green Energy will shortly have exceeded 13GW of module assembly production after a new 5GW plant ramps to full capacity in 2019.
PV CellTech 2019 takes place in Penang, Malaysia on 12-13 March 2019, and the agenda of industry speakers is now complete, in what is set to be the most exciting PV CellTech conference since we launched the series back in 2016.
Leading monocrystalline wafer producer and ‘Solar Module Super League’ (SMSL) member LONGi Green Energy Technology plans to invest approximately US$773 million in expanding monocrystalline ingot and wafer capacity at three sites in China.
China-based polysilicon producer Xinte Energy Co, a subsidiary of TBEA has secured a major supply deal with wafer producer Wuhai Jingyuntong New Materials Technology Co, a subsidiary of Beijing Jingyuntong Technology Co (JYT).
This article reveals the top 10 module suppliers of 2018, based purely on own-brand shipped module MWp-dc volumes. This ranking complements our recently published top 10 cell producers feature.
‘Silicon Module Super League’ (SMSL) member LONGi Solar has reported a new solar cell world record conversion efficiency for monocrystalline silicon PERC (Passivated Emitter Rear Cell) technology of 24.06%, which has been verified by the National Center of Supervision and Inspection on Solar Photovoltaic Product Quality (CPVT) in China.
Leading monocrystalline wafer producer and ‘Silicon Module Super League’ (SMSL) member LONGi Green Energy Technology increased revenue by 35.26% in the first nine months of 2018, yet third quarter revenue and profits were significantly lower than the previous quarter, due to ASP declines across wafers and modules.
‘Silicon Module Super League’ (SMSL) member LONGi Solar, a subsidiary of leading monocrystalline wafer producer LONGi Green Energy Technology Co has renewed its R&D partnership with the University of New South Wales (UNSW), a world renowned university involved in photovoltaic research.