
September 30, 2024
California governor, Gavin Newsom, has vetoed a bill that would have allowed schools and apartment buildings to use self-consumption of solar PV.
June 19, 2017
News in Brief: Bill Clinton opens Westchester's largest solar array – a 2.7MW facility at Swiss RE's US headquarters; Nexamp completes a 700kW community solar facility in Massachusetts, Michigan introduces a bill to up its RPS and Solaria deploys its architectural solar products at Cornell Tech's campus in New York.
June 19, 2017
Florida governor Rick Scott officially signed AB 90 into law on Friday – the bill that implement’s 2016 Amendment 4 by making solar and renewable energy equipment on commercial buildings exempt from property taxes for 20 years, beginning next year.
June 12, 2017
News in Brief: Santa Barbara, California, is the 30th US city to vote in a 100% renewable energy mandate, North Carolina legislators instate a competitive bidding process and leasing programme for solar PV while South Carolina's SCE&G launches the state's largest community solar programme; there's also more community solar online in Texas, and the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources releases its final guidelines for its solar incentive SMART programme.
May 26, 2017
On Wednesday, the Nevada Assembly passed a bill that ramps up the state’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS).
May 25, 2017
In an overwhelming majority, the Nevada State Assembly passed a bill that aims to restore the state’s rooftop solar industry.
May 17, 2017
Minnesota governor Mark Dayton vetoed measure SF 1937 on Tuesday, which would have removed solar customer’s ability to have unfair fees reviewed by independent regulators at the state’s Public Utilities Commission (PUC).
May 5, 2017
In a 33-0 vote, the Florida legislature has passed SB 90 – the bill that would implement Amendment 4 and make solar and renewable energy equipment on commercial buildings exempt from property taxes for 20 years, beginning in 2018.
May 3, 2017
The financial benefit currently available to solar users will be sharply curtailed over the next few years, after Indiana governor Eric Holcomb signed SEA 309 into law yesterday.
May 2, 2017
As the deadline to make a decision looms, Hoosiers have petitioned the Indiana governor to veto the bill that would remove much of the financial incentive for residential solar.

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