
May 8, 2019
After record low tariff project gets safeguard duty relief, ACME Solar president tells PV Tech that compensation payment timelines are clear and other state commissions will likely follow centre's lead, while analyst warns of PPA differences.
August 6, 2018
Sprng Energy has ordered Ecoppia’s waterless robotic panel cleaning system for a 325MW site at the REWA solar park in India.
March 19, 2018
NTPC tenders for energy storage combined with 30MW of new and existing solar in Andaman and Nicobar islands, Mahindra closes financing on 250MW Rewa solar project with Yes Bank, Vikram Solar commissions 100kW rooftop solar project for Indian Oil Corporation.
April 18, 2017
Power purchase agreements (PPAs) have been signed for the pioneering Rewa solar park projects, which briefly had the lowest solar tariffs ever in India.
March 22, 2017
India’s current template for solar power procurement is up for review. Record low tariffs in Rewa have inspired this re-examination. Jasmeet Khurana, associate director, consulting, Bridge to India, looks at how different states and utilities are reacting to the new procurement landscape.
February 15, 2017
Last week saw solar prices in India blast the Asian giant’s energy sector into a new era, but what happened to all the fears about project viability and unrealistic bidding? PV Tech caught up with financiers and analysts to discuss a new financial environment.
February 13, 2017
Jasmeet Khurana, associate director, consulting, Bridge to India, shares his views on what the record breaking tariffs for 750MW solar in Madhya Pradesh mean for India's entire power sector.
February 10, 2017
After 33 hours of bidding, Mahindra Renewables, Acme Solar and Solenergi Power have emerged triumphant in the 750MW solar auction in Madhya Pradesh, with the lowest price smashing records at just INR2.97/kWh (US$0.044) in year one before an annual escalation kicks in.
February 8, 2017
The first round of bidding for the 750MW Rewa solar park in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh has guaranteed that the highest tariff will be no more than 3.64 rupees per unit (US$0.054).
January 16, 2017
Unique tender structuring and a 28% module price drop will bring tariffs in the upcoming 750MW solar auction in Madhya Pradesh to extreme lows, according to the latest update from Bridge to India.

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